Over the years I have been told countless times " I don't have any rhythm" I say "OK." I usually suggest that they take a class of mine so I can see for myself. I am ALWAYS able to provide an argument as to why they are mistaken. We all have rhythm, some of us have less pixel stock phots monkey mind chatter than others. I have found that it is the 'voices in your head' that get in the way. It's the ONLY thing in your way. You DO have rhythm. Perhaps an event from the past has squelched your belief or stifled your growth and development. ( Which I have discovered several times in my career) Maybe its so simple that you just don't listen. It could be that you have never really tried. Believe me you have rhythm. I can prove it to you. I feel very strongly about this. YOU can enjoy the freedom that 'having rhythm' provides. I promise. www.rungodance.com