Yoga for wellness is no joke. I have been practicing Yoga now for 20 plus years and the most useful tool has been developing my core strength which tremendously helped my dancing. There are other benefits: breathing and the management of my monkey mind (wandering thoughts the are not useful), my overall balance and stability. I am an Aquarian and we are notorious for falling, I catch myself from spilling quite often and I attriibute that save to Yoga. I am more focused, much stronger, mentally and physically. I am teaching Yoga at the Clearwater Dance Depot 1261 S. Ft Harrison Clearwater across Morton Plant Hospital and I invite you to try it. Please contact me for details 727-741-3337. Together we can send you into your golden years with exhilaration, health, well being and peace. I think the best assessment is; it can certainly not hurt. My class is designed for the newcomer who is unfamiliar with terminology and poses (asanas). We can work together to help you along. I thank 2020 for this opportunity because I have gotten 3 students well into their 60's, some 70's to adopt my class as their fitness option.